I Get My First Door Slammed In My Face!!! 10/7/2019
Chaos of Monday last week. For a Linner we went to Chuck-O-Rama which is a buffet and we ate a bunch. At the end, Elder W remembered that they had for some reason scheduled a dinner appointment for us on Monday which doesn't happen normally. It was in an hour and a half and we were already full. The member took us out to Mexican food and I had to stuff down some food before saying I was full. It was kinda awful. I did get a ton of leftovers though. Tuesday's highlight was that I found someone who genuinely likes The Last Jedi and Rose. His wife also loved Captain Marvel. I didn't know what to say to those things. It was weird and we were both shocked. We also had burger king and I got a crown (but not a hershey pie unfortunately). We also had district counsel which was good. It's weird how random meetings on your mission are still super spiritual. One miracle that I shared was how we went and met all the bishops in the stake. Then, they called a new stake presiden...