I Get My First Door Slammed In My Face!!! 10/7/2019

Tuesday's highlight was that I found someone who genuinely
likes The Last Jedi and Rose. His wife also loved Captain Marvel. I didn't know
what to say to those things. It was weird and we were both shocked. We also had
burger king and I got a crown (but not a hershey pie unfortunately). We also had
district counsel which was good. It's weird how random meetings on your mission
are still super spiritual. One miracle that I shared was how we went and met all
the bishops in the stake. Then, they called a new stake presidency and the
person that was called the new stake president was the bishop that neither I or
Elder W had met before the meetings. Because we had met him before his
call to be stake president, we were able to have a good meeting about
missionary work in the stake with him. We also found 7 people who said no to go
to general conference with us before we found someone. Utah is weird.
Wednesday we went and did service at the food bank. We
mopped the floors and moved things around. In the evening, we played chair
soccer (the classic) and I won 3 or 4 times but burned holes in my socks so I
had to throw them away.
Thursday was hilarious. I went on exchanges. I traded Elder
W for Elder G for the day. We went and did some service for this
old couple that were having health problems. The wife had skin cancer and the
husband had 2 knee surgeries and couldn't walk very well. Then we went and
pulled carrots out of another family's garden which was fun. When we finished
they had us take some produce from their garden and so now I can pretend to eat
healthy. We went knocking on doors and ran into a girl named H (see quote
below) she looked way older than she was which threw us off. We also met this
Brazilian lady who spoke Portuguese. However, we went and got an returned
missionary who spoke Portuguese and talked to her (props of being in Utah). For
dinner we went and had some Indian food. I forgot what it was called but it was
good. For desert we had some yummy hazelnut nutella ferro rocher cheesecake
(pictures to come). In the evening we were knocking more doors and we decided
to do one more before going back. Elder G gave this big pep talk about how
someone in his home ward had been found in the last door before the
missionaries went home. We went and knocked and the lady said this isn't a good
time and slammed the door. We died laughing after.
Friday we shopvacced up acorns in Maxine's backyard. the
amount of acorns we sucked up filled 75% of one of her yard bins. It was
ridiculous. We then picked up apples from the ground and the Gs and then
they took us to Panda Express. For dinner we ate with R and her family.
She served us Filipino food and some Balut which is basically a partially
formed duck egg. We ate it and it was pretty good. We then taught her part of
the plan of salvation but she started drinking during the lesson so that was
interesting. On the way home we were biking back and our bag with leftovers
fell and we had to pick that up and then my nametag fell and we had to find it.
Then we biked so hard home to try to be back to our apartment that Brother
Willis would have been proud. We were still late getting home though.
GENERAL CONFERENCE!!! It was awesome. We picked up Rickson
and went there with a member and his wife. We were able to park in the the Handicap
parking lot so we parked right there which was great. I saw Elder K there.
When we got it, we walked around for a bit and looked at some pictures and
sculptures they had. My favorite session was the Women's session. The talks
there were amazing. My favorite talk was from Elder Holland (of course) which
was about reminding us to focus on Christ. He also had the biggest mic drop
ever. We had a lesson with C that went alright. We taught her the law of
chastity, tithing and to follow the prophet. The temple announcements and the
Young Women's changes were a curveball.
More Conference! It was awesome! We also watched the piano
guys face to face and I had forgotten how cringy the face to faces are but it
was a good time. For dinner we had spaghetti and it reminded me hardcore of
pasta parties because that had really good ceasar salad. Then we stopped by
R's house to talk a little bit more about his baptismal plans. We also
had a lesson with I who got baptized recently. Our original plan was to
have LJ there and teach the restoration but LJ didn't come so we had to come up
with a new plan. It took us a little bit into the lesson to figure out what we
wanted to talk about. I had an impression to talk about service and then we
showed him one of my favorite vidoes called "what shall we give".
Miracle of the Week: We were unable to get in contact with
R for 2 days before we were supposed to take him to Conference. We had told
him to be ready in the morning but we didn't tell him when. He and his family
are late sleepers (like sleep till noon). We went there and knocked on his door
at 8:30 with no answer. We knocked again and R answered the door fully
ready except for shoes. We were able go!
Quote of the Week: "So do you live here with your kids?
I'm 13."
Pictures (hopefully in order):
1. The Conference
2. The dynamic Moco duo
3. Panorama of the Conference Center
4. The Salt Lake Temple
5. "The Tired Bison" sculpture
6. Balut!
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