Crash and Burn 11/18/2019
importance of sharing the Restoration which was awesome. After, we did service in this lady's backyard. We later had a lesson with L and some of his recent convert relatives where we talked about the restoration and the miracle that was the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. After that, there was a relief society event going on and we dropped in for a little bit. While we were getting hot chocolate, a lady came up to us and she told us that she worked in the missionary department and we had a good conversation with her about the recent changes and missionary work in Utah.
Wednesday I failed to write much in my journal so this is
what I have. In the morning we went to the food bank. Another pair of Elders
showed up that weren't supposed to be there so they got booted out by the boss
there which was pretty funny. After that they had some steak that they couldn't
give out so they gave it to us. We didn't get a chance to eat it though because
it had gone bad before we had a chance to grill it.

Friday for service we went and cleaned up a lady's front
yard. I mowed the lawn and Elder W sucked
leaves up with a leaf vacuum.
After the lady fed us Arby's. The new missionary handbook came out so we read a
bunch of it to learn what the new rules are. All of our lessons cancelled so we
went and contacted a bunch of people. We went by R's and talked to his
mom for a while. She was being taught for a while but stopped suddenly.
Saturday we did a ton of service. We raked leaves at a huge
house with a large yard. It took an hour and a half with 10 people working.
Then we went and set up a trampoline with Elder G and C for a little
girl that lives nearby us. Then we rushed over and went to a lesson with
someone the sisters found for us. You've heard of Costa Vida but have you heard
of Costa Grava? He is relatively new to Utah but has family that are members of
the church. We talked about how families can be eternal with him. After dinner
we had a lesson with R about the Law of Chastity. It went pretty well.
Sunday we only went to 2 sacrament meetings. Why might you
ask? We stayed for Sunday School in the branch so we could give R the
Priesthood! It was an awesome experience that I got to do and managed not to
mess anything up too badly. The other ward we went to they got a new bishop
because their old one got called to the stake presidency. We read more of the
new handbook and went to contact a bunch of people and nobody was there (of
course). We then went to an Elders Quorum President's house and got to know him
better (to increase that all importance member trust @Elder K) and to talk
about people in the ward.
Miracle of the Week: I didn't get hit by a train! We were
biking to go contact a member and I was holding my phone in my hand for
directions. When we were about to cross a railroad track, the light started and
the arm started lowering to tell us that a train was coming. I was like
"We're going" because we were already on the track almost. I heard
Elder W say "No" and I freaked out because I thought I had
misjudged where the train was so I slammed on my brake. The problem was that I
only slammed my left brake because I was still holding my phone. I did a front
flip over my bike and landed on my side and slid on the road for a couple feet.
Quote of the Week:"Sorry we were late, we were building
a trampoline for a little girl"
This week's random sentence has to do with a restaurant and
a TV show.
Pictures (hopefully in order):
1-3. Builing a trampoline
4. A thanksgiving tree
5. The biggest pizza I have ever seen
6. The best jack o jantern
By the way I am fine from my crash.
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