"I Woke Up Before You But Only Because I Was Drooling" 10/14/2019

In the rest of Monday we went and visited a less active lady named T. She was super nice and told us all about her horse and her horse riding competitions which was pretty cool. We had to keep it short because the people we were going to bring with us didn't come so we couldn't go into her house (We can't go in a house if there is just a lady or kids there. There has to be an adult male above 18 to go for safety reasons. After that, we went and gave our ministering presentation to the new Stake President after he had canceled the last 2 times.

Tuesday morning I got up and made some crock pot chicken and mixed vegetables with Italian dressing. Not sure how much to use, I dumped the whole bottle of Italian dressing in. While it cooked we went to district council and had interviews with President Call. When we got back, the entire apartment smelled really strongly of Italian dressing. I ate it and it was super strong. Next time less dressing would be better. To be fair it was good though. We met with R and planned out his baptism and the program. Then we went to dinner and then gave them the ministering presentation. Go to home depot and ask for a pack of dandelion seeds and see their reaction. As we were leaving, I was on my bike and I felt like something was wrong. I got off and felt my tires and sure enough my back tire was flat. A goathead had murdered it. We walked back to the member's house and they helped patch the tire.

Wednesday was wild. We did some service at Deseret Industries (a thrift store). Afterwards, the person that was supposed to pick us up canceled leaving us stranded there for almost an hour. That threw off our schedule a ton. After some studying, we went and contacted a bunch of people. Everyone we went to was there. We found a potential new person to teach and set up some service. While we were contacting a Bishop, we helped him set up a target and threw tomahawks at it. Then he went and pulled out some throwing knives which were super awesome. We then had a lesson with C and after she was interviewed for baptism and passed! We then visited the M and gave their son a blessing and had a good visit with them. They gave us dinner to take home which was cheese bacon chicken ranch casserole and we went and had a 9pm dinner which was delicious. After starting off bad, our day picked up and became one of the best days of my life if not the best one.

Thursday we went to the food pantry and did some service there. After we went to the G and had lunch and a mini concert. Later we went to R's and had him interviewed for baptism. He passed. Then we went and had a ministering presentation and then had hot chocolate afterwards.

Friday I found out that it is possible to drive a stick worse than my dad. We helped someone unload a truck full of wood in the dump and he killed the engine twice while driving and kept missing the gears he was trying to get. He also hit the breaks so hard that I almost hit the windshield 2 or 3 times. To be fair he had recently had 2 knee surgeries so I didn't hold it against him. I guess I found the only way to be worse than my dad at stick (I love you dad :)). For dinner the person that was feeding us was camping so he had someone bring us to the campsite and we had food there. They had a mean peach cobbler. We talked to the kids there about missionary work which was cool.

Saturday we had R's and C's baptisms! R's was first. It was interesting because we didn't have a program because there wasn't supposed to be anyone there but there were more people there than there was at C's baptism. After his baptism, we went and made programs for C's baptism and printed them off. Her baptism was great just like R's. After the baptisms, we went to plan but fell asleep while doing so (see quote in subject) despite sitting up. Then we had dinner and ministering message with a family. They had an enormous collection of books and we talked about books the entire dinner which was super fun. Talking books with people is so much fun.

Sunday was hectic was normal. We started off by going to 3 ward councils, and then hurried over to C's confirmation. After the sacrament, we booked it over to R's confirmation (both started at 9am) and got there in time. We had asked them to do his at the end so we could go to both. Then we watched the video on the new youth program. After we talked to M and her sister A which it was nice to see them at church. Then we went and chased down the stake president for his signature on a form before going right back the the church to attend another ward. During this, I fell asleep and started snoring which was only slightly embarrassing. We took a nap after that. We then went and had 2 ministering presentations before dinner. After dinner we had a lesson with L about the Restoration. One testimony I liked was given by a bishop. He talked about the thingy on the dashboard that shows RPM in the engine. He said that the best place for the needle to be is at 2500 which is the optimum performance of the engine. Going higher for extended periods of time damages the engine. We can push ourselves spiritually but trying to do too much at once isn't good for us.

Miracle of the Week: "We decided that if we knocked on someone's door that we were trying to contact and they weren't there we would knock the next door over. We went to contact someone and they weren't there. we knocked on the next door and then had a good conversation with a man but he wasn't interested. After he closed the door and we started walking back to our apartment, the person we were looking for was walking home and we were able to talk to him. If we had gone back after failing to contact him we would have missed him walking home! Miracles do happen if we look back for them. Often they happen without us even noticing.
This week's hidden sentence is from a talk from David A Bednar. Good luck :P

Quote of the week: "I'm 75% Canadian. Both of my parents are 100% Canadian"

Pictures (hopefully in order):
1. A mail bear 
2. When your worst inhibitions Psych you out in the end
3-5. Baptisms of C and R


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