I'll be home for Christmas, only in my dreams 12/30/2019

Tuesday was Christmas Eve. In the morning we went to a senior center and visited some people there. Later, in the afternoon, we went back and played blackjack for a while (not for money of course). Then we visited W and her mom for a while. Later, we went a member's house and wrapped our presents and ding dong ditched people with them which was a blast before coming back and stuffing ourselves with homemade taquitos which were delicious. Later we played pictionary, throw the ring on the reindeer, and hot potato where the consequence for losing was getting an accessory to wear. I got second in that. Christmas!! We opened presents! Thanks to everyone who sent me a card or anything else! After we played monopoly with another set of elders before going to a members (the same one as yesterday) and having some amazing homemade tamales. Then we went to another members and played games with them till we had a district activity where we played "Bang" for a couple hours. ...