I Build A (Rock) Wall 5/18/2020

Tuesday not much happened. In the evening we had a lesson with J where we finished our game of Jeopardy! and had a great time.

Wednesday we started our service project with an awesome couple. We were there 6ish hours helping them redo their backyard. In the evening, we joined a missionary themed youth night where missionaries serving from the ward were there and we had a Q&A before doing some role plays with them.

Thursday we had District Council and we were able to have it in person for the first time in a couple months. The morning of, the Assistants to President Call asked me for the address so they could come. Then when we got there, the Sister Training Leaders showed up and then halfway through, the Zone leaders showed up but the Assistants never did. We talked about and practiced extending specific and direct invitations to people.

Friday morning we had a lesson with a young couple and talked to them about the temple and a little of what goes on there. It was a lot of fun because we watched a virtual tour of the Rome Italy temple and it reminded me of how much I love going to the temple. You go in and you always have a sense of peace and love sweep over you. It truly is a house of God where we can make sacred promises with God and receive some of the best promises from him including the chance to be with your family for all eternity. After that, we had another 6 hour session redoing the backyard and again had some bomb homemade ice cream and BLT's. When they went to the dump to remove a bunch of stuff, it weighed over 1,300 lbs.
Saturday we helped a couple by planting their garden. Then we went over and continued working on the backyard. That morning we also had a call with B which was fun.

Sunday we had a meeting with one of our Stake Presidents and updated him on things were going and asked him for some help with things. We also spent some time outside kicking a soccer ball around which was lots of fun.

Miracle of the Week: On Sunday we called a bunch of people who used to meet with missionaries. No one answered so we starting cooking dinner. While we were cooking, the phone rang and it was one of the people we had called earlier and we were able to have a short lesson over the phone (while still cooking) and set up a time to meet over zoom.

Quote of the Week: "Thank you for allowing us to have the gospel taught in our home whether we like it or now"

Pictures (hopefully in order):
1-6. Various stages of our service project


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