DMV Squad 6/15/2020

Transfers happened on Tuesday and they split our area. Elder G went to one stake and I went to the other. My new companion is Elder F and he is from northern Virginia which is awesome and Elder G new companion is Elder W! Most of the day was spent moving things around and moving people in. Normally we find out who is moving where on Monday and we move Wednesday but they changed it on us and told us Monday night that we were transferring Tuesday. They also took my car away and I am no longer the district leader which is nice.

Wednesday we had an orientation for Elder F at the mission office. It was pretty much the same as it was when we went for Elder G so I was fairly bored but oh well. After lunch, we had a call with M and read from the Book of Mormon. Aside from that, not much happened.

Thursday we had District Council and it was nice not to have to plan that out and run it. The rest of the day we had a lot of meetings with leaders in the stake.

Friday we taught the S a practice lesson and called a bunch of people to set up lessons. We also had a lesson with a young couple that is working towards getting sealed in the temple and watched a video by Elder Holland called "Sanctify Yourselves" which is really awesome. Elder F also had an interview in the morning.

Saturday we had the worst luck with calling people. we called around 25 people and a grand total of 1 person picked up the phone. Another person called us back later which was nice. One guy we talked to had what sounded like popcorn popping in the background and it was really hard to hear him which also made it hard to take him seriously.

Sunday we went to 2 church meetings. In between them, we had lunch as well as a meeting with a bishop. After the second one, we had another meeting with a bishop. We rode our bikes to church and it was the furthest I had ridden in a while which was nice. We then called some people to set up lessons and people actually picked up!

Miracle of the Week: We had another lesson with K (in person) and figured out a date for his baptism!

Quote of the Week: "Why does everyone keep asking me to say the prayer? You're the new guy."

No pictures this week (sorry dad)


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