The Worlds Spicest Ramen 6/29/2020

Tuesday nothing worth mentioning happened.
Wednesday we read Nephi's vision of and explanation of the tree of life with M which is one of my favorite visions. We had a couple other lessons with members which went pretty well.

Thursday we had district council. We talked about our reasons for coming on a mission and why we are staying even though we are quarantined and things are different. In the evening we made chicken Alfredo which turned out pretty good. Then we had a lesson before we went and had a lesson in person with K. We talked about the Plan of Salvation and made fun of my awful drawing skills. When we got back we watched Elder W and G try the spiciest ramen in the world. Elder G finished his but Elder W could only take 2 bites.

Friday morning we had a meeting with the Senior couple missionaries (the S) which was nice to see them again since it had been a while. We had some lessons and made some fried rice and pot stickers (see picture below) which were great. I also played Elder F in Stratego and won (it was his first time playing).

Saturday we helped a lady move. They had a sword so naturally we took pictures with it. We came back and had a lesson with a recent convert and talked about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and it's enabling power to change us which was great. We then didn't have anything else going on so we did a deep clean of our apartment since we had been slacking on cleaning our apartment a little.

Sunday we went to 2 church meetings and those were nice. Our one lesson cancelled which was a bummer but we called a lot of people and set up a bunch of lessons for next week.

Miracle of the Week: After church we were waiting in the foyer and the person ushering people out came over and told us about someone that the missionaries had been teaching someone living with them. The problem was the person doesn't speak English

 very well but we were able to get in contact with the people that had helped translate for them before.

Quote of the Week: "[She's] excited to get up every morning and milk the chickens".

Pictures (hopefully in order):
1. a plant that I thought looked nice
2-3. a sword we found while helping someone move
4. district picture
5. homemade fried rice and (not homemade) potstickers


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