Hallowgiving or Thanksween? 11-23-2020

 Tuesday we were able to have in person District Council which is always much nicer than doing it over zoom. It was really nice to see people in person and talk to them. We had a panic in the evening when midlesson we discovered that someone had scheduled another appointment at the same time but on our old calendar (which we don't look at) making us double booked. We were freaking out when they hopped into the waiting room. We got it figured out though and and rescheduled them for the next day. They had a mission wide zoom call at night and told us our thanksgiving plans which I was surprised they told us this far in advance.

Wednesday morning it was nice outside and we knew it was going to get colder as the day went on so we went on a walk. When we were starting I told Elder C we would make sure to talk to someone we saw with a purple shirt on. When we were almost home, we saw a lady with a purple shirt on so I tried to talk to her but she said hi and then ignored us. Darn. I did a baptismal interview for someone which was good. It was cool to hear from the Sister missionaries who taught him all the obstacles he and they had overcame for him to be able to be baptized.

Thursday we spent a good chunk of time inviting people to watch President Nelson's worldwide message of Hope and Healing scheduled on Friday. 

Friday we had the opportunity to hear from the Prophet President Nelson as he shared a message of Hope and Healing. He talked about how gratitude provides us with healing and hope which when I thought about it makes perfect sense. When we are grateful, we are seeing the good which gives us hope for the future and helps us feel better. He also invited everyone to make social media their personal thanks journal with the goal of filling it with gratitude so I you see a bunch of #givethanks posts, that's why. In the evening we were calling people and setting up lessons when someone hopped in our waiting room on zoom. We were pretty confused since we didn't have him on our calendar but we had an impromptu lesson with him which was pretty funny.

Sunday we were booked almost all day going from appointment to appointment which was nice. That hasn't happened much but was a good feeling. We were super brain dead at the end.

Miracle of the Week: While we were walking around we saw a dad on top of a ladder putting up christmas lights while his kids were playing in the yard and we felt like we should stop help keep the ladder stable which he was very grateful for. As we chatted with him he told us his wife partially grew up in Hershey, PA which I thought was fun.

Quote of the Week: "Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Pictures (hopefully in order):

- Hallowgiving or something?


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