Covid, Fire, and Krispy Kreme 3-1-2021
I am still alive and doing fine. Don't get an aneurism from the title.
we had exchanges and went to the mission office to swap what bike Elder R is borrowing from the mission. On the way back, we stopped by Krispy Kreme and
got some doughnuts for the district since it was one of the sister's birthday.
When we showed up to give them to her and sing she wasn't there which was awkward so we left the doughnuts at their apartment. At night after 9 I had
everyone in the district hop on a video chat and we sang happy birthday. It was
pretty funny to watch everyone try to figure out why I had everyone hop on
(though it didn't take too long).
Saturday we did more driving around. We went to the mission office to drop something off and then when we showed up we remembered the mission office is closed on Saturday so we went and delivered it directly to them instead and grabbed some food on the way back. We also walked some dogs. In the beginning it was super cold and was snowing slightly but about halfway through the sun came out and the temperature shot up and we were franticly taking off our layers and coats.
Sunday we had our standard bunch of meetings. We spoke in one sacrament meeting along with the Elders Quorum Councilor over missionary work who we really like.
Miracle of the Week: While on exchanges with Elder C, Elder R wasn't feeling well (and convienietly left that information out). He was told to go get tested for covid but we got the news back that it was not covid for which we were very grateful.Pictures
(hopefully in order):
Snowballs on our head. Don't question it
Sexy Squidward snowman
18 month celebration
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