One Month Older And Wiser Too 2-22-2021
Sunday the 21st was my 18 month mark of my mission. That is pretty crazy to think that I have been out that long and that I only have 6 months left. Time really does fly when you're having fun.
Tuesday we had district council which was a blast. To help everyone better understand the importance of inviting we played a game. 2 companionships went back and forth eating beanboozled (the jelly beans that are either good or bad and you can't tell) and measured how many good and bad they had. The whole time I was trying to convince them to stop. They ended up eating all of them without giving up. We talked about how we don't know if the jelly bean is good or bad without trying it and how that is like how we don't know if people want to learn how to come closer to Christ without asking. It was a lot of fun to see them get good ones and be super relieved and bad ones and gag when they tasted them. We also had a lesson with a missionary who is leaving very soon and talked about what mission life is like and things like that.
Wednesday in the morning we went and shoveled lots of snow since it had snowed around 5 inches which wasn't too bad. We had a lot of fun doing that and it was good to be outside and doing service.
Friday we had a dog walk. The dogs we walked were super super small and I think were a little scared of us. Elder C found a golf ball and they freaked out when they saw it for some reason. Apparently golf balls are very scary.
Saturday we went and visited someone in a care center again. Again we were outside chatting through the window to him inside. We were able to have a good chat about sailing which I have done a small amount and we invited him to church and helped him figure out how to hop on to the broadcast. We also went and delivered Fiiz to the district which was good as always.
Sunday we had our standard meetings for the most part. At one of the church meetings we went to, a person walked up to us and told us he knew President Call our mission president. After talking about other things with him, I asked how he knew President Call. He told us that he was an Area Seventy and he worked a lot with him then he turned and walked away. I was like oh boy, I just causally chatted with and Area Seventy and didn't know. I also laughed at myself for not figuring out he was a General Authority by the fact he knows President Call. We went with one of the young men in one of our wards and visited people which was fun. We also chatted with him about Utah, missions, and other things which was a good time.
(hopefully in order):
District picture after roasting smores and starbursts
Dog pics
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