Hearing the Words of Christ 4-5-2021

This week was super special because we were able to watch General Conference. We were able to hear the words of the Living Christ through his prophets and apostles. We were instructed, chastened, uplifted, counselled, and felt the love of God through His servants. One of my favorite talks was given by President Dallin H Oaks who spoke about the Constitution and about Gods influence on it. Another was from Elder David A Bednar who spoke on teaching correct principles and having us use those to govern ourselves. The Prophet Russell m Nelson spoke powerfully on faith and how to increase its power in our lives. If you were busy or couldn't watch, it can be found at churchofjesuschrist.org

Short highlights of the the week:

Wednesday: got first shot of the Pfizer vaccine. Did 2 and a half hours of service digging a pool.

Thursday: did service pouring concrete. Had District Council. Went with a member and met some of her neighbors. 

Friday: did service trimming trees. Recovered from the vaccine.

Saturday: watched General Conference!!! Hung out with district

Sunday: watched General Conference!!! Hung out with district

Miracle of the Week: This past weekend was Easter. We celebrated the miracle of the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ. He rose on the 3rd day and broke the bands of death making immortality a reality and exaltation a possibility. God be thanked for the matchless gift of His Only Begotten Son! Jesus Christ lives today. God the Father lives as well and together they invite us to follow Them and partake of Their joy and Their peace. Do it!

Quote of the Week: "Man has his agency, it is true, but God will not be mocked"

Pictures (hopefully in order):

1. Post service dog picture

2. Vaccine dose 1 complete

3. General Conference!!!


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