Sorry Dad, No Pictures 4-12-2021

Brought in an old picture

Quote of the Week: "pretty much it comes down to if it's funny, I'll allow it"

 Miracle of the Week: On Saturday we went on a walk with one of the ward missionaries in one of our wards (the lady who we almost set her house on fire) and one of her neighbors who is serving a service mission around where they live. It was a great experience for and couple reasons. First, the reason we had the lesson that almost set the house on fire was that she had asked us to teach about the atonement and forgiveness for one of her sons who was struggling with it. After we had the (slightly disastrous) lesson, as we found out while on the walk, he was able to u understand it better and felt free from his burden of guilt. That made me feel great to know that despite my shortcomings and the mistakes I make while serving God. God can change peoples lives by using me as His instrument. The other was that the neighbor who is serving a service mission had such excitement about the Gospel and was so complimentary of us, it really helped me reflect on my zeal for Christ and His gospel and want to strive to live up to the person she saw and that God sees in me.

Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty boring. This week involved a lot of calls with leadership updating them on things and starting meetings with them. It was not the most exciting but will help out a lot.

Thursday we had District Council where we talked about teaching like the Savior. After that we called people before going on walks with people. We went on walks with 2 different Elders Quorum Councilors which was a lot of fun. We were able to go meet people and be outside and get to know them and their neighbors better.

Friday we were able to go do service and start taking out fence posts that had gotten messed up by wind. They were in a weird spot which made it hard to get good angles but we managed to get one out and we are planning on going back later.

Saturday morning we were told about a service project and when we showed up they had told us the wrong time so we were almost an hour late. We helped finish up then helped someone who was there back at their house with moving logs to their trailer to take to the dump. Later we were able to have a good lesson with someone we are teaching about faith and how to increase it. We talked about how faith involves action and doing things and talked about how he could show his faith in Christ.

Sunday we went to 7ish hours of meetings which wasn't too bad for what we normally have on Sunday. We talked in more ward councils about going on walks with us and things like that.


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