A Prophet, Seer, and Revelator 6-14-2021

 Highlights of the Week:

- we helped put up some drywall which was interesting. I know how to do that now.

- spoke in church which went amazing. Definitely the best talk I have ever given even though I ended up having to skip a 3rd of it due to time constraints.

- did lots of walking around in 100 degree weather

- looked at chalk festival submissions which were super cool

- had a mission devotional with President Dallin H Oaks of the First Presidency. He shook all of our hands which was super cool that he would take the time to do that. He also taught a lot of amazing lessons to us. One was that our generation is a "me" generation that is full of entitlement but also that because we were serving a mission we had separated ourselves from that. Another was about the importance of the sacrament in the repentance process. The while time he was there I felt a strong peace that was the spirit testifying of what he said to be true.

Quote of the Week: "you can bear your testimony in 3 words. If someone asks you 'do you really believe all that' you can said 'yes I do'".  

Miracle of the Week: about a month or so ago a member of our stake presidency invited us to attend the ward conferences and told us when each ward had theirs. On Sunday we had been asked to speak at one of our wards and so we went there and spoke. Afterwards we had some meetings to go to over zoom so we found a room and had our meetings. After we finished we had 10 minutes before our next sacrament meeting and normally we would just stay at the church building we were at and go to that one but I had remembered there was a ward conference about to happen in another building so we hopped on our bikes and went there. A little after we sat down and the meeting started some friends of the bishop who we had met a couple weeks ago walked in and sat down. The two speakers were the bishop and then the stake president who talked about the gift of the holy ghost and about covenants. During the bishops talk the thought kept coming to go up to the bishops friends and ask them if the want to meet with us. After the meeting ended we went over and I asked them if them would like to learn more about what the speakers spoke about. One of them smiled and said I would love to and told us how she had been reading the Book of Mormon and was having a hard time understanding it and so we said we could help with that. We got her number and are super excited to start meeting.


Pictures (hopefully in order):

1-3. Chalk festival submissions


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