Crashing Prom Pictures 5-17-2021


Tuesday nothing too crazy. We were supposed to have our weekly meeting with a member of the Stake Presidency but we forgot that he was out of the country and told us that he couldn't make it. We got an email later reminding us that afterwards and we were like that explains a lot.

Wednesday we had service doing yardwork with a group of young women. After we had a meeting with our high councilor over missionary work and talked about how we could get ward councils more involved along with some other things. We also went on a walk to a creek in our area near a park and there were lots of people there trying to avoid the heat.

Thursday we had District Council and talked about teaching in the saviors way and looked at the recording of Jesus and the woman at the well and talked about the things He says and how He taught her. After we went to fiiz since we figured after would be better than before and then having the drive thru being super long again and being super late. In the evening we went on a walk with on of our relief society presidents and visited a good amount of people which was lots of fun.

Friday I was able to watch the baptism of someone I taught in my last area which was super awesome! I was so excited to hear that she was able to make that choice and the ordinance was great even though I was only participating over zoom.

Saturday we had service in the morning helping someone move in stuff from storage boxes to their house. Later we went on a walk to the creek from earlier. When we got there there were a bunch of girls in super nice dresses and some guys in suits and we figured out it was prom and they were getting pictures which was fun. Elder H and I chatted about our experiences at prom (shout out the awesome girls that said yes to me and made my proms amazing!).

Sunday we had our normal meetings. We went to a couple more ward conferences which were funny since we saw some people that we knew weren't in that ward. When we went to the next ward conferences they were there again and we realized they were there because they had stake callings.

Quote of the Week: "I want you to be Waters of Mormon missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints"

Miracle of the Week: We had a lesson with someone we are teaching and we felt like it didn't go too well. We felt like they weren't understanding what we were explaining to her. Before we ended we invited her to read the Book of Mormon. A couple days later we get a call from their neighbor who is a member and attends the lessons with us. She told us that she got a call from her neighbor and she said that when they opened up to where they were going to be reading in they found that it was already marked. She told them that it was God telling her that He was there. We are super excited to meet with them again.


Pictures (in order):

1. Creek picture


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