"Flags" 🔥Fire🔥, 🌊Water🌊 and 🛋Furniture🛋 7-5-2021

Hello! I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend! We are in the middle of a heat wave and dry spell so we didn't have many fireworks for safety reasons. I am so blessed to live in a country and enjoy the freedoms we all have here. I am particularly grateful for the freedom of religion that paved the way for the Restoration of Christ's church on the earth. God's fingerprints are all over the founding and protection of this nation. Truly In God We Trust.

 Tuesday we had meeting with half the mission to meet President and Sister Johnson. We got to know them and their kids. When we got back we went to a youth activity and played pickleball and capture the flag with the youth.

 Wednesday morning we had interviews with President Johnson so he could get to know us better (more on the interview later). After that we helped 2 families move before beginning to close our missionary apartment and opening up a new one which lead to an exhausting day.

 Thursday we had District Council but we went early and I helped my companion make pizza from scratch and had a little restaurant before District Council. There was a little smoke from some dropped ingredients in the oven which set off the fire alarm. Fortunately the fire department didn't come (all we got was some angry people show up and be mad at us) but we thought that was pretty funny all in all. We had 2 walks with people in the evening before coming back and finishing the move from our old apartment to our new one.

 Friday we had apartment inspections which was funny since we had our stuff all over the place from the move. After we finished getting settled in our apartment before going on a walk with a member.

 Saturday morning we went to one breakfast at one of our church buildings before heading over to a neighborhood parade which lead into another breakfast. We also went to another BBQ around noon and got to know a bunch of people there. For some reason the weather decided to be 100° and no clouds so that part wasn't fun but we stayed hydrated. In the evening we had a lesson with a family and one of the ladies there was turning 101 years old in a couple weeks.

 Sunday we had our standard church meetings. After church we had a great lesson with someone we are teaching. We talked about recognizing the Holy Ghost and how He speaks to us. At the beginning she didn't really understand but at the end she really started connecting the dots which was awesome to see. 

 Miracle of the Week: In our interviews with President Johnson, we talked about a couple of things. One thing that really stood out to me while talking with him wasn't what was said but what I felt. In talking with him, I felt the same way I did while talking with President Call. It was a testimony to me that the mantle and priesthood keys had been passed from President Call to President Johnson. Also it was a testimony that God is at the head of the mission and the church guiding us forwards. 

 Quote of the Week: "Speak the language of someone who has landed on the moon please"

 Pictures (hopefully in order):

1. Swimming in an empty pool

2. Me with homemade pizza

3-4. Semi district and a district picture


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