The MD Gang Break Up 7-12-2021

 I'm staying in southern bountiful for my last transfer (6 weeks) with Elder S! I was hoping to stay so I was glad to see that.

 Short email this week 🤷♂️ but here some highlights.

Tuesday: went on a couple walks with members and got some delicious shaved ice. We also got to chat with someone thinking about serving a mission about mission life.

 Wednesday: we went to a youth activity and they were playing kickball but the based were slip and slides into inflated pools which was a great time (no we didn't go on the slip and slides and ruin our clothes).

 Thursday: had an awesome district council where we all shared our testimonies and the spirit was super strong. I also got an answer to a question I'd been praying about for around a month or so during Elder K's testimony (funnily enough it had nothing to done with what he actually said but he brought the spirit which then gave me my answer). Afterwards we had Elder K's "funeral" since he is going home tomorrow and grabbed some fiiz.

 Friday: they broadcasted a devotional that included the Hill Cumorah Pagent. If you don't know what it is or haven't seen it then do yourself a favor and look it up. 

 Saturday: cleaned out the backyard of a guys house which was full of termites and there were some hornets nests as well.

 Sunday: nothing crazy

 Miracle of the Week: We went mountain biking on a pretty crazy trail today and despite some very close calls nobody had any serious injuries. A couple scrapes here and there but nothing compared to what could have been.

 Quote of the Week: "How did you start to come back to church? Was there a girl? Well, maybe"

 Pictures (hopefully in order):

1-2. Doves!

3. Fun sunset

4-5. Elder Kemper's funeral


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