Whole lot of shaking going on 3/23/2020
Tuesday morning I took a nap while Elder W patched his tires (again) and put slime in them. Later we went and played soccer for 2 hours with some people behind the church in a field. We started off with kickball until more people got there and then we switched over to soccer. We went straight from there to dinner and then from dinner we went to the setting apart of a new ward mission leader. Wednesday we had an 5.7 magnitude earthquake which was kinda weird. I was in bed and things started shaking. I was like you've got to be kidding me. Oh well. The rest of the day wasn't super exciting. I made some curry mac and cheese which was excellent Thursday we had district council and talked about what we can be doing while being quarantined. Then we went shopping since they announced we couldn't eat at people's houses anymore. Later we had a lesson with J and talked about the Word of Wisdom. Friday we went and got props and filmed our trailer for our Book of Mo...